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全球總部位於新加坡的ASMPT,是全球唯一一家為電子製造過程所有主要步驟提供高質量解決方案的公司:w88 online casino從設備到多工廠級自動化概念的智能製造。從芯片互連載體到芯片組裝和封裝,再到表面貼裝技術(Surface Mount Technology, SMT),ASMPT的產品包括晶片沉積和激光開槽,至各種將精密電子和光學元件塑造、組裝和封裝為各種包括電子、移動通信、計算技術、汽車、工業和LED(顯示器)終端用戶設備的解決方案。


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Toward ASMPT Net Zero 2035

As an innovation and market leader in the electronics manufacturing industry, we are committed to leading by example in ESG. We are already well on our way in the area of social and governance. And while we have made progress in recent years in the area of the environment, there is still much room for improvement. We are w88 online bettingtherefore increasingly focusing our efforts on measures that will enable us to address the most pressing challenges of climate change while safeguarding the interests of all our stakeholders. We have set ourselves the goal of "ASMPT Net Zero 2035" for our direct emissions from our own sources (Scope 1) and our indirect emissions, primarily from purchased energy (Scope w88 casino2). In the coming months, we will raise awareness of this issue both internally and externally, and create space for the development of creative and actionable ideas that will bring us closer to this goal step by step.

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SEMI 解決方案


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SMT 解決方案


SMT 解決方案

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